For Your Sanity
E V E N W H E N Y O U C A N ’ T S E E
E V E N W H E N Y O U C A N ’ T B E
there’s a light at the end of every tunnel
even in darkness
each foot in front of the other leads you there
When I created the design for the ‘nights like this’ head wrap - I wasn’t neccessarily in a bad space, I was just really curious about where I was headed. No one really talks about the confusion that come post-graduation. You can envision the end goal but the steps leading there can throw you for a loop if you’re not prepared. You can think you’re not doing enough, push yourself too much trying to get there, and end up frustrated because you didn’t get to the “promise land” YESTERDAY.
I was back home living with my mom, and after a mentally draining day I knew I needed a night of releasing that stress. I’ve always been drawn to the art of collages because it’s simple enough that anyone could do it - but if you really stretched your mind you could create a masterpiece. So I grabbed a few magazines with no destination in mind - only the hope that I could make something beautiful out of such an ugly day.
Several rips (and sips of wine) later and I had put together a few questionable pieces that I felt worthy enough to snap photos of. Then I forgot about it..for two years. When I came up with the idea to design a few wraps it was like connecting the dots. Even when I didn’t realize it, there was a bigger purpose for such a small moment that seemed irrelevant at first.
More often than not, that nudge we feel, is pushing us towards the right direction. Follow that.
This ones for the nights we don’t know where we’re headed
or how we’re getting there…but we keep going.