Even The Silence Has a Story to Tell You
“Even the silence has a story to tell you.
Just listen. Listen.”
I went through a streak in elementary school where I was a bit “disruptive.” Grades were always good but my mouth and “attitude” (as the teachers put it) got me sent to the school counselor for a little while. I hated every moment of it. I didn’t understand why she talked so low and soft and why she constantly tried to make me count to 10?!
Now, I’ve always known about meditation I just didn’t think it was something I could do. I had the general excuses:
“My attention span is TOO short!”
“I think way too much?!”
But like anything else, the more consistent you are, the easier it gets. I kept hearing about how much it can ease stress and after testing it out a couple of times I was hooked. Most mornings, I try to wake up a little earlier to meditate for at least 10 minutes. I plan on working my way up to 20 minutes in 2020 but that means getting up even earlier … and yeah lmao. I won’t say I’m the most consistent everyday - but I never actually stop - just short breaks, especially during busy seasons. But what I’m finding out is those are the moments I actually need it most.
This practice has honestly been one of the key ingredients in helping me slow down and embrace the small moments vs running around like a mad woman all day.
This post from @healersofthelight tells you everything you need to know:
To be real, there’s a chance you may fall asleep on accident - I’ve done this more times than I want to admit lol. There’s also a chance you will have a million thoughts running through your mind from time to time. But what matters is that you’re consistently working towards getting better.
We miss so much when we’re constantly in tunnel vision mode. But the silence of meditation gives you the opportunity to reflect, get in touch with your core and possibly discover answers you haven’t been able to formulate because you’re always on the go.
I challenge you all this week to try one thing that helps you slow tf down and pay attention. Whether it’s meditating or putting your phone on DND after 5PM. Let me know how it goes :)
What calms you down when you’re stressed? Have you ever tried meditation?