The Good Days
If it were any other time by now I would have completed my vision board, a new long list of goals and reorganized my life to hopefully tackle everything by the end of the year.
Read MoreIf it were any other time by now I would have completed my vision board, a new long list of goals and reorganized my life to hopefully tackle everything by the end of the year.
Read MoreC R E A T E E V E N W H E N Y O U C A N ’ T S E E
C R E A T E E V E N W H E N Y O U C A N ’ T B E
there’s a light at the end of every tunnel
even in darkness
each foot in front of the other leads you there
Read MoreI went through a streak in elementary school where I was a bit “disruptive.” Grades were always good but my mouth and “attitude” (as the teachers put it) got me sent to the school counselor for a little while. I hated every moment of it. I didn’t understand why she talked so low and soft and why she constantly tried to make me count to 10?!
Read MoreTBH I haven’t been as social as I’ve wanted to since moving to LA. It’s been a constant cycle of working all week and knocking out side projects on the weekends.
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